
Pattern Links 

All the patterns have the links below the photograph and are available as free down load and are on A1/A2/A3/A4 paper which is European sizing. Please click on the caption to access the google docs link for pattern and instructions. If there are any issues with access to the instructions, please contact me and I can attach the pdfs in reply.

Please note these patterns are hand drawn (sewing patterns) or charted (crochet). The patterns are intended as guides for upcycling clothes, and my arm scythes are deliberately hand drawn as I prefer to draft my patterns this way and prefer not to use french curves or curved ruler.

The patterns are all in size 12 unless otherwise stated

Denim Chevron Back pattern

Denim Chevron Front pattern

fashion rev 19 montage 1

Tee Shirt tunic / dress / skirt

How to add a crochet trim

anthro hack trim detail

crochet trim